Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Thriftbooks Used Books Online Store

Thriftbooks have recycled over 164 million books and donated more than 1 million used books.

The catalogue is HUGE (I mean REALLY HUGE) and I have just ordered my first book.

The shipping to Australia is only US $4.99 so the total cost still came to less than $9.00.

Check it out. The banner is at the top of my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. Calypso is fine. I was extremely worried (beside myself with anxiety is more like it) but by the afternoon, all was well. We have a trip to the vet soon and I am going to ask him about it. I'll be posting a story about Ryka and Calypso and an armadillo this week. Seems like every animal is paying us a visit when Hubby isn't home! Love your blog and I am putting this book on my TBR list. You are so right about the smile drawing you in and wanting to hear the message. Donna
